Monday, July 03, 2023

Education is Freedom

I do not want my students thinking that knowledge is hidden or only passed on to a chosen few.

I do not want to produce co-dependent or charismatic personality followers out of my students.

I do not want my students running after me for years and years begging for "interpretations" or "patterns we use".

I share how to use skills, tools and methods.

I share what I know and where to find more.

I share how to apply, modify and invent.

Yes I teach logic, coping skills, reasoning, how to verify truth and detect manipulation.

Students learn how to use multiple reference sources to gain more accurate knowledge.

Students learn how context, situations, history, environment, audience and politics change perceptions.

Students learn to communicate with the core organization of language using grammar and vocabulary.

Students learn how to test, modify and improve their inputs, outputs and communications.

My students become confident then independent and go out on their own.

The ability to learn whatever you want, without chains holding you back is exhilarating.

Education is freedom


Teach English Blog URL

Friday, June 09, 2023

Agency Services for Teachers

 Please note we are post-lockdown 2023 and jobs are coming back slowly!!

Please check all positions/information that you are interested in:

I am interested in becoming a teacher and require career counselling.
I am interested in receiving teacher training.
I would like to have a website to promote my teaching business.
I have a website and need advertising to promote my teaching business.
I would like to start an educational consulting agency.
I would like to start or buy a school.

I am qualified for the following positions:
ESL Teacher
Elementary Teacher
High School Teacher
College Teacher
University Professor
Adult Trainer
Education Consultant
HR and Business Training
Business Internships Trainer
Business English Teacher
Test Preparation Teacher
Homestay Tutoring
Summer Camps
Winter Camp
Tour leader

Please provide Teacher Contact information

Date of Birth
Full residence address
Emergency Contact numbers
Email Address
Country of Citizenship

Please indicate which subjects(s) you are qualified to teach.

Basic ESL English skills


Advanced ESL English skills

Accent reduction
Writing composition
Public speaking

Teaching formats

Small class
Regular Class
Lecture hall

Teaching Specialties

High school admission
college board AP
academic preparation

other Test preparation
Business English for company employees
Public school Elementary Subjects
High school Subjects
College Subjects
University subjects
Camp skills and abilities
Other skills, abilities, functions

Please copy the Teaching Registration Information and email to: .

Thank you for your information - We will contact you soon - Have your resume, pictures, teaching portfolio ready.

Friday, June 17, 2022

English Literature Web Resources


The ESL in Canada Directory "English Literature Web Resources" have been moved to here:

English Literature Web Resources from Aurthur to Yeats are available. This is a partial list of internet teaching resources, sites, societies, ezines, forums, books, journals, videos, tapes, cds for English literature teachers to improve English literature study.