Showing posts with label The Syllabus Finder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Syllabus Finder. Show all posts

Friday, November 28, 2008

The Syllabus Finder

About the Syllabus Finder

The Syllabus Finder is a research tool and an experiment in the new fledgling world of web services, where computers talk directly to each other to try to solve complicated problems or complete tasks that would be difficult to do otherwise.

When using the Syllabus Finder the computers that talk to each other are the Center for History and New Media's web server and Google's web server.

The Syllabus Finder sends an optimized, specially packaged version of your query to Google, which sends back information and possible matches. The Syllabus Finder then processes this information and combines it with simultaneous searches on in-house databases (e.g., a database of educational institutions, so it can tell you which
university or college a syllabus comes from).

It also has algorithms that try to extract additional information from matching syllabi, such as assigned books. When this complex process is finished, the Syllabus
Finder displays all of the information it has found.

The Syllabus Finder uses the Google Web API, PHP, PEAR, SOAP, and MySQL.

If you have any questions about the Syllabus Finder or would like to know more, go to the Syllabus Finder home page at


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