I read this excellent article that explains both teacher and student evolutions. It is titled: Teaching Learners to be Self-Directed.
Gerald Grow carefully explains how to make the transition from a teacher led classroom to a student led classroom.
Learners advance through stages of increasing self-direction and teachers can help or hinder that development. Good teaching matches the learner's stage of self-direction and helps the learner advance toward greater self-direction. Specific methods are proposed for teaching students at each stage, although many different teaching styles are good when appropriately applied.
Grow outlines the four stages of students:
S1: Dependent learner
S2: Interested learner
S3: Involved learner
S4: Self-directed learner
Grow outlines four stages of teachers:
T1: Authority expert
T2: Salesperson motivator
T3: Facilator
T4: Delegator
Link to Gerald Grows
Teaching Learners to be Self-Directed