Showing posts with label Multi-media Teaching in Modern Foreign Languages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Multi-media Teaching in Modern Foreign Languages. Show all posts

Friday, February 01, 2008

Multi-media Teaching in Modern Foreign Languages

Multi-media Teaching in Modern Foreign Languages

Thursday 28th February 2008

Clifton College Bristol invites teachers to a multi media languages workshop from 10.30 am – 3.30 pm on Thursday 28th February 2008.

Multi-media resources in Modern Languages teaching are growing exponentially. This short day of workshops at Clifton College provides an opportunity for teachers to find out about new resources and the latest software and try out Clifton’s Sony Virtuoso digital language laboratory, the first to be installed in the West of England.

Multi-media teaching is possible whether your budget is large or small, and this day will be relevant to Maintained and Independent Schools, Prep Schools and Secondary schools, and University departments. Participants will be given a CD-Rom of ready-to-use resources; this is a day which will have an impact on your teaching.

The day will include:

Welcome and coffee from 10.30

Multi-media resources for teaching MFL: using audio and video materials from the internet in teaching

The latest software, from devices to digitize your current analogue tapes or capture streamed video from the internet, to a facility to record whole lessons for distance teaching projects

Using a digital Language Laboratory: a hands-on session demonstrating its use in lessons

Lunch will provide opportunities to share ideas and meet the Modern Languages and ICT departments

Finish at 3.30 pm with tea

Tickets cost £93.60 + VAT (£109.98 inclusive) per delegate,

We have already taken a number of bookings from our linked schools – so please book as soon as possible as numbers will be limited.

Please complete the reservation form below and send your details together with the appropriate remittance to the workshop organisers or register online at or call Rox Gallaher on 0844 800 9375.

I do hope that you will be able to join us in what promises to be an exciting and dynamic exploration of the management, use and deployment of multi media language resources.

Yours sincerely
Llewelin Siddons,
Head of MFL, Clifton College.