| Shortage of Ontario Certified Teachers During Pandemic Hello,We sincerely hope that you and your loved ones are safe and well during these challenging times.As you know, students and teachers throughout the province are returning to learning environments that look and feel far different from previous years. Schools are implementing health and safety measures to keep students, staff and communities safe. At the same time, teachers are moving ahead to provide high-quality education for every student in Ontario building on high standards of practice and the expertise they bring.Ontario is currently experiencing a shortage of certified teachers, which has been magnified by smaller class sizes during the pandemic to improve physical distancing and reduce the risks of spreading the COVID-19 virus.In short, you are needed. Your significant and specialized knowledge and skills are needed.Our records indicate that you are either suspended for non-payment of fees or retired.We highly encourage you to pursue these new employment opportunities within your local school board or private school. You also may want to consult with your pension provider.School boards in Ontario often recruit teachers through the following sites:• Apply to Education• Education Canada• Jobs in Education• WorkopolisOnce employment is confirmed, you can return to good standing with the College by reinstating your membership online.REINSTATEMENTYou can reinstate your membership directly on the College’s website and receive your Certificate of Qualification and Registration.You will need your College registration number. You can find your registration number through our public register on www.oct.ca under Find a Teacher.For students everywhere, life has changed drastically in recent months. They were isolated from classmates, friends and extended families. If you have always wanted to make an impact in the lives of children and young adults, now is the time.You have a unique opportunity to make an important contribution to the learning environment and assist in a time of critical need.You would also be helping to ensure students have qualified and competent teachers as they return to school during an exceptional time.If you have questions on how to reinstate your membership with the College, our Client Services staff would be pleased to answer any questions you may have between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, at 416-961-8800 or toll-free in Ontario at 1-888-534-2222. You can also reach us by email.Ontario’s teaching profession has always been united by our ethical standards of care, trust, respect, and integrity. Our collective traits – the way we collaborate with others, commit to students’ well-being and persist in the face of challenges – are needed now more than ever.Please continue to take good care of you and yours.Sincerely,
Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT Chair | Chantal BĂ©lisle, OCT Deputy Registrar |
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