Monday, March 14, 2016

Toronto Teaching Job Ad Acronyms

CALL: Computer Assisted Language Learning – Using computers to help teach language

CCLB: Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks – Organization that maintains the CLB

CELTA: Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults – A TEFL training program administered worldwide by the University of Cambridge

CIC: Citizenship and Immigration Canada – Federal department that funds LINC programs

CLARS: Coordinated Language Assessment and Referral System – a project to test the benefits of a harmonized approach to language assessment and referral for newcomers

CLB: Canadian Language Benchmarks – A system for measuring language levels, which LINC programs use

EAP: English for Academic Purposes – Language instruction that prepares students for post-secondary education

EAL: English as an Additional Language – often used in contexts where English may be a third or more language, not necessarily for daily use

EFL/TEFL: English as a Foreign Language/ Teaching English as a Foreign Language – Teaching English in a country where English is not the main language.

ELT: English Language Teaching, or sometimes Enhanced Language Training (language instruction that focuses on a particular job, e.g., English for Nursing)

ESL/TESL: English as a Second Language/Teaching English as a Second Language – Teaching English in an English-speaking country to non-native speakers

ESP: English for Specific Purposes – May include EAP or Enhanced Language Training

LINC: Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada – federally funded program that teaches English to recent immigrants and helps them adapt to life in Canada

MCI: (Ontario) Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration

OSLT: Occupation-Specific Language Training – language instruction that focuses on a particular job, e.g., English for Nursing

PTCT: Post TESL Certificate Training – a series of training courses for those already certified

TCDSB: Toronto Catholic District School Board

TDSB: Toronto District School Board

TESOL: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages – Encompasses both TESL and TEFL

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