Friday, March 28, 2008

2008 IATEFL Annual Conference

The British Council and IATEFL are pleased to announce the official launch of the Exeter Online website in the run up to the IATEFL Annual Conference in Exeter, 7th – 11th April 2008.

The Exeter Online site allows remote participants to take part in one of the world's biggest ELT conferences through a variety of resources including:

- video recordings of selected sessions

- audio recordings of selected sessions

- live streamed plenaries and events

- moderated special interest discussion forums

- chat sessions

- blogs and photo albums

* To visit the Exeter Online website, go to: .

The first time you visit the site, you'll need to create your own free user account

This initiative builds on the earlier collaboration between the British Council and IATEFL in Aberdeen last year, which brought together 1,600 teachers and trainers at the actual conference, and 2,500 online. This year we expect a much larger audience, and this is a real opportunity to take part in the biggest online ELT training community.


The launch of the site gives all remote participants a chance to register,
familiarize themselves with the site and get to know fellow participants.

Forum moderators are already in place and ready to start the discussions which will lead up to the official conference on 8th April. Once the live conference has started, participants will be able to enjoy some of the live sessions and other events happening in Exeter. For more information on the conference and the online site, please see the Exeter Blog at:


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