Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Self-Access Learning and Autonomy in Second Language Learning

Self-Access Learning and Autonomy in Second Language Learning

The 2008 Special Issue of the MEXTESOL Journal is dedicated to self-access language learning (SALL), autonomy in language learning, self-directed learning and self-access centers.

The objective of this Special Issue is to share ideas and experiences in this area and explore current trends. Experiences within Mexico and outside of Mexico are welcomed.

Some of the possible topics for this issue include: The development of SALL in Mexico and around the world, developing and maintaining self-access centres, developing student autonomy in language learning, and developing self-directed learning techniques.

Interested authors are required to use the Journal’s Manuscript Guidelines and adhere to the style outlined in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (A.P.A.).

Please specify whether the submitted manuscript is to be refereed or non-refereed.
Authors may write in Spanish or English.

Prospective authors are invited to submit articles on:

Research and theoretical issues (refereed)

Practical issues (non-refereed)

As well as

Book or product reviews

Papers expressing opinions or perspectives

The deadline for submissions is August 30, 2008

Please send the manuscript as an attachment to the Guest Editor, JoAnn Miller (miller@room20.org)

Thank you


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